Night. Yeonhee is in bed, curled under her giant pink comforter. There is a Scary Silhouette at the window. (Her room is on the second floor, BTW). Yeonhee sits up, clutching a pink pillow to her chest. Scary music plays...ooh. Wanna guess who the Scary Silhouette is? I pick Chanyeol. The SS (no, not the Nazi organization) creeps up behind her. Yeonhee slowly turns around...AND IT'S CHANYEOL!! EEEEK!!! He says "Have fun sneaking a look?", a line which would be utterly hilarious in an another context (and is a little in this), and Yeonhee screams in mortal terror.
Cut to Mama and Gwangsu watching her jerk and twist in her sleep. It's morning, and apparently Chanyeol's nighttime visit was All Just A Dream. Oh wow. I'm so shocked. They share a look that says "This chick is bonkers." Gwangsu says that "something intense happened to her last night." [snerk] Well, my mind went straight to the gutter.
Cut to EXO (well, part of EXO) eating breakfast. And OH MY WORD, their breakfast is awesome. They have salad and olives and nuts and peanut butter and potato chips and fruit and bread and cheese and celery sticks and bananas and oranges and bagels and bacon and cherry tomatoes and OH MY WORD they are going to be so fat. One of them (it doesn't show him talking and I don't know their voices well enough to tell who it is,) wonders where the wonderful spread came from. D.O. doesn't answer him (tsch, how dare you) and says not to leave any leftovers. Well, they ARE gonna be fat, then.
Baekhyun wonders if "that girl" (Yeonhee) will "run around town telling everyone." Chanyeol, in the process of cream cheese-ing a bagel, looks up with an *extremely* guilty look on his face. Or maybe he just realized how fat the food is going to make him. D.O., being the levelheaded person that he is, notes that if Yeonhee *had* told anyone, the house would be surrounded by now.
BH: Guys, did you see how red her face got? Wow, she must have really
enjoyed our little show.
CY: *glares fiercely*
Sehun: W-what? What if she watched us do other things, too?
Ooh la la. You have something to tell us, Sehun? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
BH: Pfft, no, of course she didn't.
D.O.: *grins*
Chanyeol says that Yeonhee wouldn't have the guts to "blab", not after spying on them the way she did. D.O. has a flash of psychic insight, and asks if Chanyeol knows Yeonhee. Chanyeol's like "Durr, no!1" but the other guys aren't buying it. Trying valiantly to change the subject, Chanyeol says that their manager sent someone to clean the house. And WOW, his voice is low. It's like a double-bass mated with a foghorn. Baekhyun is like "Oooh, really? How old is she?" [snerk] (he was about 23 when this was made)
Cut to Mama's real estate office, where Yeonhee is screeching in protest about having to clean EXO's house. I really, really wanna thump this chick in the forehead several times. Maybe give her a few Gibbs-style headslaps.
But I understand, she has to play the Reluctant Hero...and she's nowhere NEAR as irritating as Gae-In from Personal Taste. I swear, that chick had a lobotomy to remove all the independency, critical thinking, and taking-care-of-herself centers in her brain.
Yeonhee continues to complain, and she mentions having to do their laundry too. Eh...I'd probably draw the line at laundry too. Even EXO's. Yeonhee wonders why Mama would *dare* to make her only daughter be a maid! Oh, the horror! Maybe it's because you're 23, are single, have no job, and are a whiny little brat who sits on her butt all day and picks fights with her brother. Mama tells Yeonhee to shut up, because she'll get paid, and nearly lets it slip that there are world-famous superstars living there instead of regular old boring people.
Mama threatens to rent out Yeonhee's room unless she cleans EXO's place, and assures her that no one's there during the day. Yeah...right...sure... In addition to this, Mama explains to Yeonhee that she *absolutely* must not go into "the rightmost room on the second floor". Huh, wanna guess which room she'll immediately go into? And who the forbidden room belongs to? Yeonhee screams yet again that she will never, ever, for any reason, go back into EXO's house.
Cut to the camera slowly panning over...EXO cleaning products. Yup, that's right. EXO. Cleaning. Products. I mean, I've heard of Katy Perry horse shampoo and One Direction toilet scrubbers, but...seriously? Do EXO cleaning products actually exist? Yeonhee echoes the audience and wonders what on earth this stuff is. She and Gaeun are in her room, preparing for Yeonhee's dangerous venture into the bowels of House EXO. Gaeun states that they are "goods", and launches into an Ouran High School Host Club-style explanation of what "goods" are. Basically, they're "merch."
Gaeun is utterly bewieldered by the fact that Yeonhee is hesitant to take advantage of the "sacred opportunity" of cleaning EXO's house and doing EXO's laundry. Yeonhee complains that they saw her spying on them (it's kind of your own fault, though, you simpleton), but Gaeun says Yeonhee can make it up to them by thoroughly cleaning their house.
Cut to Sehun sauntering out of the house, wearing sunglasses and an absolutely huge puffy black leather jacket. Cut to Gwangsu, walking down the street, carrying his hat tree. Western-style confrontation music plays (you know, the music they play in Westerns when two guys are about to get into a gunfight). Sehun does a cool side-moonwalk on his cute lil' chopstick legs. Gwangsu and Sehun see each other at the same moment.
Gwangsu slams the hat tree down and makes an angry "I'mma beat u up sucka" face.
Sehun pulls down his sunglasses and gives Gwangsu a "U 4 real??" look.
Gwangsu begins showing off his mad martial arts skillz on the hat tree.
Sehun approaches him carefully, like Gwangsu is a bomb about to go off, and asks if he can asks a question.
Gwangsu: WHAT?! *inwardly* Someone wants my help??
Sehun: *freaked* Where's a coffee shop? *taking on a haughty popstar air* I want drip coffee.
Gwangsu: Drip? Duuuh... *spazzes out, trying to figure out what on earth
drip coffee is*
Sehun: *sighs and tries to be patient with the idiot peasant* You grind the beans and drip drip drip...
Gwangsu: NO I DON'T!! *begins furiously beating the hat tree again*
Sehun: What to do...
Gwangsu suddenly gets a brilliant idea, and leads Sehun to a tent in his (Gwangsu's, not Sehun's) backyard
Like me, Sehun is entranced.
After grinding the beans, Gwangsu puts them in a rag, runs water over them, and squeezes the coffee out of the rag into a bowl.
Sehun is entranced.
Gwangsu gives the bowl of newly-made coffee to Sehun.
Sehun drinks the coffee and is entranced (Though I don't really blame Sehun--the real Sehun--for having difficulty with this scene; coffee is not very exciting). Sehun grins, puts the bowl down, and says "I hope we can be good friends." He hugs Gwangsu, who seems very surprised at the sudden embrace. Awww.
Cut to Yeonhee, who is standing in EXO's livingroom, in awe of the splendor. She has a pretty yellow apron (the yellow is the only thing that's pretty about it, actually) with a black-and-white picture of D.O. on it. He looks like one of the Beatles, if the Beatles were Korean and had even worse haircuts. She tells herself to buck up--she'll make up for all her previous transgressions by cleaning EXO's house.

At the real estate office, Mama answers the phone and tells the unidentified caller that a housekeeper has been sent to EXO's house. She paints the housekeeper in oh-so-glowing terms and assures the caller that everything will be totes OK. Looking a little uneasy, she hangs up and tries to tell herself that Yeonhee will be an OK housekeeper. Flashback to the two ugly guys telling her that the tenants of the house are celebrities, so she should get an old lady that doesn't watch TV to be the housekeeper (That's funny, considering in one of the EXO Showtime episodes some old ladies recognized two of the members--Suho and Chen, I think--from watching them on TV). They won't tell her WHO the celebrities are, despite her obvious interest.
Back at EXO's house, Yeonhee is cleaning up random crap in the kitchen: a Papa John's pizza box (they have that in Korea?? YAY!), some Starbucks cups, and some other stuff that looks like take-out boxes. Again, they are going to get REALLY fat. Picking up one of the coffee cups, she squees, because she can "feel EXO's touch". Uhhhh...yeah. She moves throughout the house, pausing to sniff a shirt (Baekhyun's) and take a selfie wearing a hat (D.O.'s). Going upstairs, she stops in front of the FORBIDDEN ROOM. Fortunately, she resists the sweet temptation and goes outside to hang up their laundry [snerk]. As she hangs up their masks (which srsly look like bras), she recognizes them and realizes that the nightmarish stalkers from the previous night were EXO!

Still suspecting them of murdering a blonde chick named Matilda, Yeonhee demonstrates her Einstein-level intelligence by immediately going back inside and opening the door to the FORBIDDEN ROOM. (Yep, the door is unlocked.) To give her credit, she didn't *immediately* go into the FORBIDDEN ROOM like I thought she would. The room itself is pretty non-forbidding: it has a desk, a bunch of instruments (keyboards, cello, double bass, guitars) and a bunch of music recording equipment. Appropriately awed by the "professionalism" of the room, Yeonhee immediately starts touching stuff.
The guitar is labeled "Matilda", and Yeonhee quickly realizes that no blonde chick is dead and everything is totes OK.
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No blonde chicks were harmed in the making of this series. |
She wonders "Who names their guitar Matilda?" Yeah, I was wondering the same thing. I mean, even among white people, "Matilda" isn't a very common name, and it certainly doesn't scream "guitar."
A scuttling noise alerts Yeonhee to the presence of a CG roach in the room. She yells at it for daring to enter the sacred House EXO, grabs a folder off the desk, and sets off on a valiant quest to smash the roach. Okay, that's nice and all, but I think Chanyeol would be pretty mad to find roach guts on his folder. And it's not like the roach would pose a threat to his instruments and stuff anyway...
In her vehemence to kill the heinous pest, Yeonhee knocks over most of the instruments. Naturally, she doesn't notice. Catching sight of the roach on the right side of Chanyeol's bed (she's standing on the left), she makes a flying bellyflop on the bed in a final attempt to squash the roach. On a side note, there is a giant picture of Chanyeol hanging over the head of the bed. I find this a lot funnier than I should.
Just as Yeonhee lands on the bed, Chanyeol comes in to find his beloved instruments strewn all over the floor, and the girl who spat water all over him in a whimsical pose on his bed. He demands an explanation, which, of course, Yeonhee is too embarrassed to provide. Chanyeol yells at her to get out.
Downstairs in the living room, Sehun, Baekhyun, and D.O. note that the housekeeper must have been by. Their praise for the housekeeper's mad cleaning skillz is interrupted by Chanyeol's angry yell. Yeonhee comes rushing downstairs, rushes outside, and...crouches in front of their house, right outside the door, buries her head in her arms, and starts crying. Well, she *did* get out, but if I was her, I'd want to get as far away from them as possible before starting to cry.
D.O. comes out and puts a coat over her shoulders. Okay, that's nice, dude, but she's upset, not cold. He crouches beside her and offers her the hideous apron. He notes that it's a pretty bad picture of him (oh, it is, it is), but laughs, trying to lighten the situation. Sweetly, he asks if she and Chanyeol had a misunderstanding. Starting to blush, Yeonhee mutters that it was all an accident. D.O. stares at her for several seconds (I swear, for all the staring in the Twilight series, it has NOTHING on your average K-drama) before slowly reaching up to touch her cheek.
I don't blame him; I kind of want to touch her face too. I mean, there is something SERIOUSLY unnatural about it when she's blushing. At that moment, Chanyeol comes downstairs and sees them (the bottom of the stairs faces the door and the porch, right where Yeonhee and D.O. are). D.O. breaks out of his reverie, looks like his hand like he just smeared jelly on it, and quickly says that "[her] face was so red [he] couldn't help [him]self." [lol] D.O. stares at Yeonhee, Yeonhee stares back, Chanyeol stares at both of them, and the episode ends.
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