Previously on EXO Next Door: D.O. had really nasty hair at some point. Chanyeol hates Yeonhee and Yeonhee hates roaches. Matilda is not who she seems.
As Chanyeol stares at D.O. and Yeonhee, he mentally flashes back to the previous year (2014), when "everything started to fall apart." Oh, so when Luhan and Kris left? Cut to a concert, where everything is going gloriously, and EXO is singing an awesome song. Sehun does the E-X-O hand symbols a few times, and there are quite a few shots of Lay. Interestingly, Chanyeol plays drums at one point.
After the concert, Chanyeol and two other guys (Suho and Chen) go into a dressing room to remove their makeup and congratulate each other. A silver treble clef necklace with a long chain (Chanyeol's) is sitting on the makeup counter. They swipe at their faces a few times, then they're apparently done. I...guess they want to keep their makeup on for the after party or whatever they do after concerts? Even for regular makeup, one wet wipe doesn't cut it. Oh well, maybe S. Koreans have magic wet wipes that do this.
Suho and Chen finish and tell the still-sitting Chanyeol to "come on." As he stands up, he knocks the necklace to the floor. And of course, because this necklace was so important to Chanyeol (as we will find out later), he just threw it on the makeup counter instead of putting it in a box or something. As he stands up, he knocks the necklace onto the floor. Not seeing the necklace on the counter, Chanyeol sits down again, and rolls backward in the chair to look for it. In the process, he rolls over the necklace, breaking it. The sound of the necklace breaking is accompanied by a dramatic chord so the viewers will be sure to know that this moment is Very Important. The necklace is smashed beyond repair. As Chanyeol picks up the pieces, shocked, someone off-camera tells him his grandpa kicked the bucket. So his grandpa died while he was having boatloads of fun at the concert? Ooh, dark.
The flashback dissolves into a flashback within a flashback back to 17 years ago. So Chanyeol was what, 4? 5? Little Chanyeol and his grandpa sit in a room that's crowded with pictures and other old-fashioned, grandpa-ish things (record player, old radio, etc.), listening to music. Interestingly enough, Little Chanyeol slightly resembles Big Chanyeol, even down to the ears. The music ends, and Grandpa, who is in a wooden rocking chair (the same one Chanyeol touched a few episodes ago), asks Chanyeol why he looks so down. Probably the music. Maybe he didn't get that Ninja Turtle backpack he wanted. Grandpa asks if Chanyeol's girlfriend broke up with him.
Little Chanyeol expresses his worry that Grandpa will get old and die. Grandpa says he totes won't because he has a magic necklace that gives him immortality. He gives Chanyeol the treble clef necklace and says it will keep bad luck away. Kissing the pendant, Grandpa prophesies that Chanyeol will become a universal star. Chanyeol is worried he'll take Grandpa's magic away, but Grandpa says he has an extra necklace in a safe place.
Little Chanyeol expresses his worry that Grandpa will get old and die. Grandpa says he totes won't because he has a magic necklace that gives him immortality. He gives Chanyeol the treble clef necklace and says it will keep bad luck away. Kissing the pendant, Grandpa prophesies that Chanyeol will become a universal star. Chanyeol is worried he'll take Grandpa's magic away, but Grandpa says he has an extra necklace in a safe place.
Cut back to Chanyeol, holding the broken necklace. According to his dramatic VO, "From that day on, misfortunes kept finding [him]." Yep, one after the other. First, some joker put green dye in his shampoo, someone else replaced his shoes with ones a half size smaller, and someone ELSE drew a caricature of him with giant bat ears! *cough* D.O. *cough*
Oh, no, wait, actually EXO's new song gets leaked and Suho trips on a water bottle. No, really. Chanyeol and Suho are in their dance practice room (sadly, I don't know enough about EXO yet to know if this is their *actual* practice room, but it looks very similar to VIXX's and BTS's) practicing dancing (what else?). Chanyeol is all tuckered out and decides to call it a night, while Suho stays behind. As Chanyeol leaves, he knocks a water bottle to the floor. It rolls into the path of Suho's feet. Outside the room, Chanyeol hears Suho yell. Rushing in, Chanyeol finds Suho laying on the floor gripping his leg and dramatically gritting his teeth in faux-pain, while the water bottle lurks menacingly in the background.
Cut back to the present, where Chanyeol has teleported upstairs and is sitting melodramatically at his desk. Or maybe he sloooowly walked upstairs, flashing back to the concert, then to being 5, then to Water Bottle's nefarious scheme.
Sehun: Why is Chanyeol acting like a zombie?
Baekhyun: Eh, he's just flashing back. He does that a lot.
Chanyeol's Dramatic VO: "That was it. Our plans went to hell." (This sounds more like something out of a noir film/book than a webdrama.) So apparently, Chanyeol came back to Grandpa's house to find the other necklace and get his mojo back. Oh, and he also wants a "new beginning." Hey, do you think they have those at Walmart? Remembering how Yeonhee trashed his room earlier, Chanyeol gets all pissy and blames her for ruining his peaceful vacation.
Yeonhee's phone, which is still on his desk, rings. In her room, Yeonhee paces back and forth with the home phone, obviously trying to locate her cellphone by calling it. Well, at least she's being proactive about trying to locate it. Chanyeol is rude and doesn't answer. Yeonhee panics and stretches her 2 brain cells to the limit trying to remember where she last had it. Mentally, she reviews her day at EXO's house, and finally recalls that she left it on Chanyeol's desk.
Meanwhile, Chanyeol is doing what any good teenage young adult male would do: go through her phone and snicker everything in it. He finds her selfies particularly amusing and mentions "she's a freak that blushes." Thanks, Captain Obvious.
Gaeun texts to ask if she's done "being EXO's housemaid" and if she has "anything good to share."
Gaeun texts to ask if she's done "being EXO's housemaid" and if she has "anything good to share."
Chanyeol: Respect people's privacy, beeyotch.
Gaeun: *picture of murderous bunny*
Gaeun: Friends are like farts; you can't get away from them.
Me: Okay...thanks for the lovely analogy. So does this mean that Baekhyun,
Sehun, and D.O. are like Chanyeol's farts? If so, he has some really
hot farts.
Chanyeol: *is either pissed off or slightly hungry*
Gaeun: *blushing bunny*
Gaeun: Hey, do you think EXO farts too? [BAHAHAHAHA]
Me: Yeah, probably after they eat kimchi...
Chanyeol: Tell the owner to come get her phone. NOW!!
Me: >:( You're such a wet blanket. Hello, prank-texting opportunity of a
But in all seriousness, I'm glad that someone finally wondered about farts in a K-drama--people just don't wonder about others' bodily functions enough.
Yeonhee screams "NO!!" (not a dramatic Darth Vader no, just a whiny no that echoes a little). Cut to her and Gaeun sitting on her bed. She begs Gaeun to come with her to get the phone. Gaeun reviews Yeonhee's "perfect trifecta" of Crimes Against EXO: "spitting, peeping, and ransacking." Due to Yeonhee's impressive rap sheet, Gaeun refuses to be seen with her (but I bet the actress was disappointed she didn't get to meet EXO).
Gaeun and Yeonhee hear a noise outside and rush to the window. The black van is pulling away from the house, so Yeonhee decides to get her phone while EXO is away. (I originally thought that this would be a plot hole, but then I remembered her mom gave her a key to the house.) Up in his room, Chanyeol is clicking away on a keyboard. Pulling off his headphones, he sighs, rubs his face in frustration, and leaves.
![]() |
"I just CAN'T remember how Hot Cross Buns goes!" |
Quietly, Yeonhee tiptoes up the stairs and slips into Chanyeol's room. He is nowhere to be seen. *facepalm* He's going to come out in a towel, isn't he? *heavy sigh* The phone isn't on the desk, but is laying on Chanyeol's bed. O_o Overjoyed, Yeonhee runs to pick it up, turning her back to the bathroom door in the process. Can you guess what happens next? Yup. The bathroom door opens. DUN DUN DUN. Chanyeol comes out, wearing polka dotted leggings...and nothing else. Just kidding. He's in a bathrobe (which kind of surprised me, months of previous dramas have always yielded towel scenes--like Moorim School).
Yeonhee whirls around just as Chanyeol walks out. She stammers that she has a legit reason for being there (getting her phone) but Chanyeol accuses her of sneaking in. Yeonhee slows signs of maybe having 3 brain cells instead of 2, and tries to leave, but Chanyeol grabs her arm and roughly jerks her back. I should make a compilation of all the arm grabbing/dragging/jerking scenes in k-dramas. I wonder how many of them would NOT be guy-on-girl. Ooh, I should also make a video of all the staring scenes in my favorite dramas. It would probably be around 10 minutes--JUST for the staring.
Chanyeol: Don't you know who I am?? (lol, wonder how many times
that's worked for him)
Yeonhee: *blush*
Yeonhee: *stare*
Chanyeol: *stare*
Episode: That's all folks!
Okay, so far, Kai, Chen, and Suho have appeared in addition to the main four. I
eagerly await the appearance of the rest.
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