This episode begins right where the other left off: the Fab Four are ready to beat Hawt Guy up. Chanyeol's like "DID U MAKE HER CRY BRO??"
Hawt Guy folds like a wet paper towel and stammers that he totally didn't.
Yeonhee stammer-confirms this; she was just so happy to see him she cried. Yeah. Right.
D.O.'s like "If you're done get outta here," and Hawt Guy says he'll call Yeonhee and runs off.
The next scene features Yeonhee in her pajamas on her bed dramatically recounting the incident to Gaeun over the phone. In House EXO, as the Fab Four play foosball, Sehun and Baekhyun wonder what sort of relationship Yeonhee and Hawt Guy have. Sehun wonders if Hawt Guy is stealing Yeonhee's money [LOLOLOL], but eventually decides they're too old for that [?]. As he says this, he stops playing entirely and folds his arms. Guess he really doesn't care about the score. Through the use of mad detective skillz (HG called Yeonhee buy her name, she cried with happiness over seeing him), Baekhyun eventually decides that Hawt Guy is her ex. Chanyeol gets angry and takes it out on the foosball table.
Meanwhile, Gaeun is surprised to find out that Yeonhee met "first love" that day. She
explains to Yeonhee that since she (Yeonhee) has EXO, international superstars, on her side, she will be more desirable to Hawt Guy (whose name is Cho Minhwan, btw). He will "want to mark his territory." [lol, like a dog?] She says that Minhwan will call Yeonhee within three days. She "bet[s] her pinky on it." So Yeonhee can cut it off if he doesn't. Cool. I like this new mob vibe.
Sehun and Gwangsu have a tryst in the tent. Apparently, Gwangsu lied about his age--he's actually a freshman in highschool, and Yeonhee revealed this to Sehun in the interview. Sehun was 21 when this show was made, so more than old enough to boss Gwangsu around. Sehun calls Gwangsu out on his BS, but Gwangsu sniffs that Sehun was a bit dishonest too; he "hid...[his] supernatural powers."
Gwangsu wonders why Sehun still wants to be friends with him. Dramatically taking Gwangsu's hands, Sehun explains that he "can't forget" the drip coffee. Gwangsu says he'll make Sehun coffee anytime he wants it, as long as Sehun doesn't use his powers on him. Sehun thinks to himself that he's "addicted" to Gwangsu's "endless wackiness." So, not the coffee then? Gwangsu refuses to shake Sehun's hand (cuz that's how guys make up, don't you know?), but does an E.T finger touch with him. Oh, right, because he thinks Sehun is an alien.

Meanwhile, Yeonhee is fixing the blankets on Chanyeol's bed while he watches her intently. [snerk] Aaaand my mind just went straight to the gutter. However, as this is a K-drama, there are no R-rated scenarios to be had; rather, Chanyeol insults her cleaning skillz. Of course, it's not because he hates her, oh no, it's because he's jelly of Hawt Guy.
In D.O.'s room (you can tell it's his by the giant dorky picture of him) he's practicing lines with Baekhyun. Like any good

Yeonhee starts reading the script, which reads something like: "Guy comes over to girl, hugs her, and kisses basically every part of her face." Yeonhee starts reading the lines, and I kid you not, she sounds exactly how I do when I'm trying to read a long sentence in Korean out loud and I only know half the words--so basically like a robot. D.O., of course, reads his lines beautifully and romantically. However, I have to wonder--was this an actual part that D.O. had? I know he's been in a few shows, but it really doesn't seem like SM would let him do all that kissing--kissing in regular dramas almost never happens anyway. Disgusted with her lackluster acting, Baekhyun begins playing the part of director, ordering both of them around. As D.O. begins to repeat the saccharine romantic lines once again, Yeonhee forgets that he's reading from a script and they both stare intensely at each other.
The episode doesn't end here, however; after a few still images from the episode, during which Baekhyun sings a song, we cut to Baekhyun in Livingroom EXO, dying to tell the other members about something. He decides that Xiumin will be the first to hear the glorious news (YAY XIUMIN WHERE HAVE U BEEN). Baekhyun explains to Xiumin (who is laying on a couch in a dark room) that both D.O. and Chanyeol seem to be longing after Yeonhee. Xiumin is confused and curious; based on Chanyeol's behavior, he thought that Chanyeol just wanted to make "her life miserable." Baekhyun agrees, then drops THE BOMB: He has "definite proof" that Chanyeol likes Yeonhee. Lemme guess, he didn't flay her alive when she arranged his shoes in the wrong order?
Xiumin suddenly sits up, and WHOA, seeing him so animated is really odd. From the little I've seen of him on EXO Showtime, he seems extremely reserved, so this is like seeing Leo (VIXX) laughing really loud (Beautiful Liar filming) or screaming at a bug (Fantasy filming). Anyway, Xiumin is like, "Oh, FFS, you mean they're in a love triangle??" [lololol]
Thank goodness the writers were willing to be a little meta. Baekhyun asks Xiumin if he can talk all night (aww, they want to gossip. How cute.) Xiumin is like "Heck yeah!" and so they spend the night over the phone, discussing the love triangle down to the last detail. THEN the episode ends. (For some reason, Baekhyun and Xiumin's phone call isn't on KissAsian; it is on Facebook, though.)
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