Chanyeol's Room:
We open on Chanyeol yelling like a foghorn (cuz he has a deep voice, see, ha ha), telling Baekhyun (who is remarkably chill and rational compared to Real Baekhyun) that he's "screwed". Chanyeol worries that he's not able to think of a melody, and tells Baekhyun to find another song writer. Baekhyun, meanwhile, is worried about Suho: he's "depressed" and doing badly because he's alone in the hospital. First: Wait, what? He looked fine at the photoshoot...why is he back in the hospital? Second: aww, poor Suho bby!
We get a quick flashback of Suho's narm-y moment after he tripped over homicidal Water Bottle. (ㅋㅋㅋ) Chanyeol leaps up and leaves his room, muttering that he has to find "it" (the necklace, presumably). In the kitchen, Sehun and D.O. are drinking out of cutesy teddy bear cups, and discussing whether or not they should tell Chanyeol they know his Deep Dark Secret. Chanyeol stalks into the kitchen as if he's been summoned by their worried whispering, jerks open the fridge, grabs a water bottle (of the non-homicidal variety, hopefully), slams the door closed, and angrily takes a drink. Ooh, you should have checked to see if Yeonhee already took a sip, dude. You wouldn't want an indirect kiss, would you? He stops when he notices Sehun and D.O. looking at him like he just peed on the carpet.
"We're very disappointed in you, son." |
He yells at them and stalks out, so they decide to save the Dramatic Reveal for later--you know, to make the story and drama as long and drawn-out as possible as they can be in a web series--come on, there's five twelve-minute episodes left. Do you really think they'd let Chanyeol and Yeonhee "get together" when there's an hour left? Yeah. Didn't think so.
Cut to Yeonhee hallucinating/dreaming that she's in the palm of Chanyeol's grandpa's hand and no matter how much she runs, she'll never escape his giant palm. [??] Is this like having a bad trip when you're on shrooms or LSD or whatever makes you have bad trips? He says he'll let her go if she answers the riddle "Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer is red. What else is red?" *headdesk* Yeonhee, in her infinite (heh) wisdom, answers "apple" and "Hyuna" (that chick that sings with one of the guys in Beast or something). I guess she said that because one of Hyuna's songs is called Red??
Thinking she's doomed to an eternity of running in Chanyeol's 할아버지's palm forever, Yeonhee screeches and falls on the floor of her room wrapped in a blanket. Thank goodness it was just a dream--it would be difficult to explain why she was tripping on shrooms in a cheesy squeaky clean webseries like this one. (BTW, why is squeaky clean actually good? If the floor squeaks, that scares me, and I fall. If my teeth squeak, they hurt. Is it normal for teeth to squeak? Google says maybe.)
Anyway, Mama yells at Yeonhee for "sleeping with her eyes closed." [??] What, does she think Yeonhee should sleep with her eyes open like Spock or something? Yeonhee says that she was dreaming about "Chan's" grandpa because she kept going next door. Oh, so she remembers his grandpa but not him? Just...I...whatever...
Chanyeol enters the living room/foosball room/Blah Blah Blah room of House EXO and glares at the walls like he expects them to start bowing and tearfully 죄송합니다-ing and revealing all their secrets. He begins searching again with renewed vigor. Irritated with his lack of success, he takes off the long sweater he's been wearing (it looks like a cross between a trench coat and a bathrobe), and hangs it on a coat/hat tree.
The hook he hangs it on goes down, and a door opens up in the wall. OK. Give me a moment to laugh. A shocked Chanyeol enters the dark, dusty secret room(s), one of which--guess what--is the record/grandpa room where his grandpa gave Little Chanyeol the necklace in the flashback. Okay, *why* didn't he remember the secret room? Seriously, if I would have known about a secret room as a kid, that shiz would have stuck in my brain better than...uh...flypaper. And...gorilla glue. And even if the room was always open (and therefore not secret) wouldn't he remember that there was a room missing in the house?
And then the ghost of his grandpa jumps out with a bloody ax, a la Supernatural. |
Noticing Chanyeol's sweater hanging on the coat tree (cuz it's just SO weird to see a sweater on one of those), she goes to investigate. Noticing the HUGE FREAKING HOLE in the wall, she takes the sweater off the coat tree and goes inside the secret room (well, actually, it's a hallway leading to several secret rooms) with her laundry basket. As she goes in, the hook flips up again, and the door (which is a sliding bookshelf) closes.
So Chanyeol and Yeonhee are probably going to be trapped in there for a while. And they'll end up having a giant argument and killing each other. Like dogs. Chanyeol hears her cry of distress and goes to investigate. In an asinine attempt to hide, Yeonhee sits in a corner of the secret hallway and puts the laundry basket over her head, like a little kid who thinks they're invisible when they cover their eyes. Of course her legs are still plainly visible. But yeah, comedy or whatever. Chanyeol is having none of this. He slaps the laundry basket and tells her to knock it off. (The only appropriate response.)
Yeonhee gets up, leaving the laundry basket and its scattered contents by the door, and follows Chanyeol into the Record Room. Hmm, I wonder what's going to happen to the picture. Yeonhee wonders what the place is, and Chanyeol curtly replies that it's none of her business (lol, he can't answer because he doesn't know himself), and then starts messing with some records and grinning. Huh, I think this is the first time he's smiled in this whole dang show. Except for maybe during the flashbacks.
Yeonhee gives him a stare. Yeah, like, really, who grins at boring old records?
Chanyeol's like "hey u like me bby? ;)" Well, someone's undergone a massive personality change. Trying to change the subject, Yeonhee muses that it must have been "할아버지's" secret hideout. She digs around and finds a hot pink jump rope (snicker) and says that her friend used to live there too. *sigh* Excuse me for a moment while I ram my head through my desk.
She says that her friend (Little Chanyeol, obvi) gave her the jump rope so that when her face got red, she could say that her face was red from jumping rope (and totally not because she's a weird freak who blushes when she's six and no kid should do that ever unless they're embarrassed or mad). Smirking "devilishly" (ugh, I hate to use that word, brings back memories of horrible YA "fiction" and stupid stupid romance novels set in Victorian London where the hero is a vampire or some rich dude that walks around half undressed all the time and is so sexually experienced and the girl is a virgin and they do it and it's SO GOOD for the girl and she's so stupid and he's so devilishly smirking deviled eggs and she thinks he's some kind of sex god and he thinks he's the greatest thing in the world EVAR and gaaaaahhh), Chanyeol says, "What a smart six year old."
Yeonhee still doesn't get it, because I guess a little of her brain matter leaks out her ears every time she blushes. Saddened/irritated/gassy/constipated/diarrhea-y that she STILL doesn't remember him, Chanyeol says it's time to leave. It comes as no surprise, of course, that the door is locked and they are trapped inside the secret room(s). Let's hope none of them farts or has to pee.
Chanyeol blames her for closing the door, complains about the laundry she brought in, and says he doesn't have a key. Neither of them have their phones either. Real Chanyeol does a very unconvincing job of being PO'd, and softly bangs his head against a door jamb. Gotta keep that face pretty. It's a moneymaker. Chanyeol and Yeonhee bang on the bookcase door and yell. Chanyeol yells for Baekhyun and Sehun, but not D.O. Heh. If I was D.O., and I was listening, I'd be like "He didn't call for me? Screw them," and leave them in there to rot.
Meanwhile, Baekhyun and Sehun are loudly playing video games together and mock wrestling. Ah yes. It's been waaaay too long since we got some skinship/fanservice.
Gwangsu and Mama are asleep on the couch (presumably in House Yeonhee) leaning on each other and snoring loudly. Disturbingly enough, I can't figure out who's snoring. As odd as this may look to Americans unfamiliar with Korean culture, K-dramas have led me to believe that this sort of family skinship is quite common. They've also led me to believe that Korean mothers love yelling at their kids and hitting them on the head, and making GIANT batches of kimchi.
After an outside shot of House Yeonhee (which looks disturbingly American)
and an extended bonus audio cut of Gwangsu/Mama snoring, we cut to the Record Room, where Yeonhee is complaining that they have to stay there all night with no heat. Chanyeol, who is wearing a blanket from the laundry basket and his sweater, tells her to move closer. *agonized scream* OF COURSE they would make them have to be closer together...! He puts the sweater over her and sniffs that it's an emergency (and heavily implies that if it weren't, she'd NEVER be able to get so close to God Chanyeol). Again, he's having major mood swings today.
Cue a ridiculously long scene of them trying not to look at each other. Finally Chanyeol stands up, dramatically throws off his soft baby yellow blanket, and prepares to spill the beans on his identity. And of F-ing course, the episode ends there.